About Us

I'm a proud mom of three wonderful children. With the birth of my last child, I found myself dealing with postpartum depression.

BellaFace was created as part of my healing process of postpartum depression. It was a journey to relove myself, love my new body, and find a new way to embrace my inner radiance. When I was finally able to take control over my postpartum depression and start to implement a new self-care routine, I created BellaFace and named it after my daughter, Bella. I wanted a brand to represent her, my healing journey, and provide a community where all women can embrace their inner radiance.


The Inspiration to Create Clean Beauty Products

When I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis, I felt so LOST and CONFUSED. Instead of staying defeated, I decided to educate myself. I wanted to heal my body by eating “clean”, learning to read food labels, and stop using makeup & creams that were filled with toxic ingredients. It was my goal to set a good example for my kids and make our household chemical free. The biggest hurdle I face is now dealing with the skin and body changes of having a child at the age of 40. Being a mom of 3 and a body of a 40+ year old, it’s changing. I’ve learned that caring for my family starts with self-care. Self-care of my skin, mind, and body.

Thank you for supporting this Hispanic, Women, and Veteran Owned business.